Pegonka and Laura with a ceiba tree in the Huaorani territory of the Amazon rain forest in Ecuador
adventures in research
Want to read blog posts about my ever-exciting research? Click on the area you're interested in to read my most recent post with that label. Then keep clicking on "older posts" for more posts with that label. Enjoy!
The melanger (blending) stage of making bean-to-bar chocolate. I took this photo on a research tour of Nuance Chocolate's little factory in Old Town, Fort Collins.
resources for educators & book clubs
Teachers have been giving me great feedback about using my books for English, Reading, ELA, Spanish, and Social Studies classes in upper elementary through high school. My books have also been successful with inter-generational literacy programs; book clubs for adults, teens, kids, and mothers/daughters; and adult ESL classes. Here are links to resources, discussion guides, and activity ideas to use with my books.
resources for all laura's books
List and descriptions of Laura's books by grade and reading level
On the top bar of my blog you can find links to interviews by book.
resources for tree of dreams
Literary Chocolate Tasting — Instructions for delicious, fun, literacy-focused activities you can do while eating chocolate!
Chocolate Tasting Handout — A printable place mat for chocolate samples, with a chart to record observations about the chocolate, as well as descriptive words to spark ideas.
Chocolatey Book Club Party — Ideas on what to serve, how to decorate, what to wear, what to listen to, what to discuss, what to do for fun, and how to get free, signed bookmarks!
Grow Your Heart Educator Resources — Common Core and STEM connections. Includes book summary, instructions on creating a Grow Your Heart community, pre-reading, discussion, writing, extension activities, and author bio.
Grow Your Heart Poster — Perfect for your classroom or library, this is a colorful poster encouraging reading, empathy, and connection. Easily downloadable, high-resolution, for up to an 18” by 24” poster.
Taking Action— This is a guide with ways to take action to protect our environment and help indigenous people in the Amazon rain forest defend their lands. Includes a meaningful writing activity for kids and teens.
Colorado Sun Interview about Tree of Dreams
resources for the lightning queen
The Lightning Queen Readers Guide (based on Core Curriculum)
Literary Rambles blog interview
BookPage Interview
resources for the queen of water
Here you can read more about Laura's inspiration for Star in the Forest.
To read about how Laura found the heart of this story, see her blog post here.
The Pirate Tree (social justice and kids lit) interview is here.
Here you can read all Laura's blog posts with the label Star in the Forest (including kids' poetry and class activities inspired by the book.)
Teachers' Guide to Star in the Forest. (Detailed, chapter-by-chapter.)
resources for red glass
Readergirlz interview with playlist, book club party ideas, and more!
Red Glass Readers' Circle Guide available inside the paperback
resources for what the moon saw
resources for the indigo notebook
The Indigo Notebook Discussion Guide (by Laura)
The Indigo Notebook Readers' Guide (by Random House)
Read interviews about The Indigo Notebook featured on other blogs: Becky's Book Reviews, Books and Literature for Teens, Bildungsroman, Charlotte's Library, Readergirlz, Sarah Laurence Mother-Daughter Blog, YA Authors' Cafe, Fictionally Yours, Minnie
You can read an interview about the Notebooks series on my blog here.